Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of Early Learning
Everything a child does is the early stages of life is early leaning! Evidence tells us that a person’s life successes, health and emotional wellbeing have their roots in early childhood. We know that if we get it right in the early years, we can expect to see children thrive throughout school and their adult lives.
It is the experiences and relationships that infants and young children have that continuously develop their brains and build the neural circuits that will be the foundation for later development.
What ages do we care and educate children?
Why are we regarded as a leader of care and education?
I want to have a look?
Do I pay for public holidays?
Do we have a Chef?
Yes, our long day care at Dudley Street and CMCC Hall Street have a dietician approved menu! All our meals are overseen by a qualified chef.
Cessnock Multipurpose Children’s Centre follows Good for Kids Good for Life guidelines.
For Nulkaba Preschool and Vacation Care families provide food each day for their children in line with the Centre’s Food and Nutrition Policy.
Do we support inclusion?
Is there an enrolment fee?
Yes, there is a one off enrolment fee of just $90.
We also require a bond equal to two weeks of full fees payable at the time of initial enrolment. This will be refunded back into accounts when ceasing care or rolled over to the next year if your child is re-enrolled. Your bond is to be topped up when increasing days or in case of a fee increase each year.
What are our expert educator ratios?
Children aged 0 – 2: One expert educator to 4 children (1:4 )
Children aged 2 – 3: One expert educator to 5 children (1: 5 )
Children aged 3 – 6: One expert educator to 10 children (1: 10 )
School aged Children attending OOSH: One expert educator to 15 children (1: 15 )
How do I pay for my child’s care and education?
We have a no fuss system! We have a specialised direct debit provider with fees being debited from your nominated account each Friday on a weekly or fortnightly basis.
What are the fees?
Centre | Age | Fee |
Gumnut Nursery/ Lilly Pilly Nursery | 6 weeks to approximately 24 months | $148.25 |
Dew Drop Toddlers | Approximately 24 months to 32 months | $147.00 |
Blue Gum Educational Preschool | Approximately 21/2 to 31/2 years | $136.75 |
Waratah Educational Preschool | Approximately 31/2 years to 6 years | $136.75 |
CMCC Hall Street – Possum Nursery | 6 weeks to approximately 2 years | $148.25 |
CMCC Hall Street – Kookaburra Educational Toddlers | Approximately 2 years to 3 years | $147.00 |
CMCC Hall Street – Kookaburra Educational Preschool | Approximately 3 years to 5 years | $136.75 |
Nulkaba Educational Preschool | 3 years to 6 years | $101.25 |
Before School Care | Primary School Aged Children | $39.50 |
After School Care | Primary School Aged Children | $39.50 |
Vacation Care | Primary School Aged Children | $80.00 |
Am I applicable for any child care subsidy?
Families will need to complete a Child Care Subsidy Claim online through their MyGov account, to ensure they receive any eligible child care fee reductions. The Child Care Subsidy will be paid directly to child care providers on a family’s behalf, in which case families only pay the difference between the fee charged by the service and the amount subsidised by the Government.
There are three key factors that determine how much Child Care Subsidy families may receive:
- The combined family income – how much families earn
- Your fortnightly family activity level – how much families work, train, study or volunteer
- The fees charged by the child care service
Prior to Child Care Subsidy being payable, the parent who is claiming the Child Care Subsidy must confirm that the enrolment is accurate. This can be done through an individual’s Centrelink Online account or the Centrelink Express Plus mobile app. Where the parent is unable to access the internet, they may contact Centrelink over the phone or in person, at a Centrelink office, to confirm the enrolment.
It is the responsibility of parents to provide the Centre with CRN numbers and dates of births for the Parents and Child. The Centre will provide you a written statement of your child’s bookings and related Child Care fees. This statement, a Complying Written Agreement (CWA) will need to be signed and returned. These details must match Centrelink records.
*Full fees are payable until Child Care Subsidy is approved and confirmed*
Information for families about Child Care Subsidy and Additional Child Care Subsidy is available on the Department of Human Services website.
Families can call Centrelink about Child Care Subsidy and other family payments on 136 150 from Monday to Friday, 8am – 8pm, including staff assistance in completing the claim form.
What if my child is sick?
As most parents are aware, it is best to keep your child at home when they are unwell and unable to participate in the program. We are obligated not to accept a child who is sick or suffering from a contagious illness.
Educators will be aware of signs and symptoms that suggest a child may be ill. If a child’s condition changes the parent/contact will be notified immediately. We will require a clearance letter from your doctor stating that your child has no further symptoms and is right to return to care before they can re-attend any of our care services.
In the event that your child has an infectious disease or any illness either while attending the Centre or the community, please notify us promptly.
Our Centre has an infectious disease policy; we appreciate your co-operation in implementing this policy.
If a child develops a sudden high temperature or sudden illness whilst in care at the Centre, an Expert Educator will phone the child’s parent / guardian or “emergency contact” to come and collect the child immediately.
If you are going to keep your child at home, please notify our Administration Team if your child is going to be absent from the Centre. Your full / usual fee is payable for all booked days. If a replacement can be found for a casual absence, no fees will be charged to you, otherwise usual fees will be payable.
What if I have any questions?
How can I help my child settle in?
We recommend visiting the Centre with your child prior to your child’s first day. During this visit or multiple visits you can meet the educators, discuss any questions you have, tour the Centre to become familiar with the room and routines.
For our 2024 enrolments we will be implementing orientation days to help with this process.
What do I need to bring?
Do we have a school prep program?
Ref: Transition: A Positive Start to School A guide for families, early childhood services, outside school hours care services and schools Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Melbourne